Sunday 1 January 2012

From the beginning

I will add my weekly weigh in results starting from August to present day then each week I will add the current (continuing) results. I may or may not be brave enough to enter my weight - so you may just see the amount lost and the total.

Again I hope this inspires


Height; 5ft 5in

1st day at class..

Starting weight - **st **lb

Starting measurements: Bust: 50 inches
                                      Waist: 46 inches
                                       Hips: 56 inches


Weight - **st **lb

Loss/gain: -3lbs

Total loss: 3lbs


The day after my birthday! I was a bit nervous to say the least! I mean I'd had some of my mum's lovely chocolate cake and a couple of bottles of beer! Oh well, couldn't put it off any longer.

Weight - **st **lbs

Loss/gain: -1/2lb

Total loss: 3.5lbs

Well pleased with that, a loss is a loss after all!


Weight - **st **lbs

Loss/gain: -3.5lbs

Total loss: 7lbs

Half a stone award! Fantastic :)


Weight - **st **lbs

Loss/gain: +1/2lb

Total loss: 6.5lbs

:( but it was expected and glad it was only half! I'd took the kids to McDonalds for lunch as a treat for their last day off before going back to school. Made me feel rubbish...I don't ever want food to make me feel like that again...not worth it!

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