Monday 9 January 2012

Bad week

Well, this week has been a pretty bad week! Not because I've cheated and been eating loads, but due to one thing another it's been awful! Children poorly, then it was my turn - a trip to the emergency dentist for me followed by anti-biotics. So, whilst I haven't eaten bad food, I've not eaten much fruit and veg either which is completely vital! I've not been too hungry and when I have been I've been in too much pain to eat a lot like a big meal, so been having small snacky foods, which has obviously not done me any good.

Weight - **st **lbs

Loss/gain +1.5lbs

Total loss: 3st 3lbs

I am a bit gutted but still trying to put it into perspective, I lost weight over Christmas when I had allowed myself a 3lb gain so in the back of my mind I've still done ok, it's just a bit dis-heartening when you have a gain.

I shall pick myself up, dust myself off and go for it, my tooth is feeling a bit better and only have two more days of anti biotics so I will hopefully be back on the loss train next week!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, losing weight during the holidays is an amazing accomplishment in itself. Don't be too hard on yourself with this weigh-in.

    Just make TODAY a good day and you'll totally get there!


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